Marcos Fernández (@colorvamp) + Interaction design portfolio

Projects Overview


My name is Marcos, I'm a designer of web and desktop aplications, this is my portfolio.

Some years ago I graduated from Senior Technician on Development of IT Applications in Cáceres (Spain), I develop my technology based on PHP, javascript and python. I'm full of ideas, I wish I had the time to take over them.

I was born in Badajoz (Extremadura) in 1985, I'm a native spanish speaker and a very fluent one in english. I've been living in a lot of cities, Salamanca, Madrid, but currently I am placed at Cáceres.

As you can see taking a look to my projects I'm an 'eye-candy guy'. I like to provide as much information as possible using the minimal and the most clever interface posible. I'm very skilled with Gimp.

You can also find me on Github, Twitter and LinkedIn.